Friday, October 29, 2010


Wow, that was hard!  I haven't been keeping up with the blog, as I really had to focus on finishing school and passing the State Board Exam.  Now I am back in the swing of things and happy to have time to focus on moving forward with my own dreams.

I have to admit that I have a hard time finishing projects, as I get bored in the middle and want to do something new.  However, alas, I finished two major accomplishments in the past month:  Graduating from school and passing the State Board Exam.

My nerves got the best of me during the Practical Exam, but thanks for the support of my best friend and model for the day, Martina, I left Fairfield, CA exhausted and so relieved.

I have so many ideas on where to go next.  I still need to learn a lot and eventually have my own business - that same little skin care boutique with local products and items, along with hosting DIY skin care workshops.

I have a lot of catching up to do with this blog and will definitely make more time for it now that I am FREEEEEEEE!!!!!


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